Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / 2:36 PM


很多时候处女座要面对很多实际的琐事,这时的处女座便不得不在冷中面对周围世界:要么说话做事很不自然,有做作的痕迹;要么便极度冷漠和被动,对谁都不理不睬。其实处女座很清楚自己现在的样子,但他们无力改变和控制自己的情绪,只能选择疯狂地逃避一切。 他们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。








处女座也总在纯洁和好色之间徘徊,这一点最难说清。不过他们真正的内心是极其善良的, 宁可自己苦也不愿伤害任何人,心灵如水晶一般晶莹剔透。






处女座就是一个表面神秘到难以琢磨,说穿了却又很简单的星座。最接近神的人?可能吧,处女座喜欢这样 来标榜自己。因为他们确实有超凡脱俗的一面。他们的内心接近了神,可是身在这个世界,不能不食人间烟火吧,所以必须得戴着一个面具活在这个世界上。


/ 11:07 AM
Back from work after being sick for 2 days on 28/07 - 29/07. Reach workplace to realise that under probation don't entitled to the sick leave. The sick leave for confirm staff after 3 months of probation but i have just reached 2 months not long ago. Was feeling so down and no mood to work. If i know i have to use unpaid leave for my Sickness, i rather go see a doctor and go work instead!! Argh... pain pain.. 2 days of Salary...

Basically was feeling very sick on Monday when i woke up, throat infection, cough very badly, flam have blood.. Went to see the doctor below my house, and got 2 days MC which i regret taking -.-"

Guess i really need lots of rest to recover and can't eat those heaty stuff and coffee but.. i don't like plain food because too plain for me haha... So curry~~ chilli~~ here i come~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1st day..
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 / 1:17 AM
Basically my first day of school is SIAN SIAN SIAN!!! argh.................

Can see me taking some photos then realise that how boring is the class lolz...
As you see from the pictures... almost all my classmates are female.. -.-" *shy*
But............... all not as cute as someone... :)

blog blog~
Monday, July 21, 2008 / 8:35 PM
1 week i have never updated my blog.. i think is because lazy as compare to last time haha!

Tomorrow starting my new course over at PSB. Guess i'm going to be super tired like last time when i was working at MOM and study at MIS. Still remember during that period of time, i was struggling between my work, projects and examinations. Everytime almost felt like giving up but i think by reminding myself that i pay hard earn money inside so don't waste it!! Get the certificate rather then drop out of the course.. but i think the course don't really benefit me as i didn't use it to go in Diploma instead.

Now.. already old.. very old yet still studying Diploma. Alot of friends/colleagues already finish with a diploma or even a degree yet i'm still stuck with it. What to do.. different people different life. So old if i'm still studying full time diploma, i think i going to be very poor poor poor... Come out with an engineering cert also not sure what i can do with it.

Well.. Let's skip this topic and move on to my work... Today my senior just had a short meeting with our export team. Finally he decided to relocated jobs! That means i am able to learn more things rather then the Japan shipment i'm doing now.. Starting from 1st Augest i will be in charge of korea and taiwan shipment too!! Yes yes.. was getting boring from doing japan shipment! Althought i think that i will have more work to do but at least better then sitting there doing nothing and nothing..
Well overall these few weeks has very pack pack pack and i believe the next few weeks will be pack pack too :P

white & black
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 / 7:56 PM
Can you see what i'm seeing??

/ 1:26 PM
Finally my exam results from my 6 month course over at Marketing Institute of Singapore has come. Not that happy with the results as compare to my last semester. I got A, B, C for 3 modules. So if add together last semester results, it will be 3 A 1 B 1 C.. results drop so many wo... But never mind about that as the course i study i think only waste my time because i studying diploma soon without using that cert. Wasting my time away :(

Feeling so tired.. No mood to blog at all nowadays.. Time for a good rest..

/ 1:22 PM



但有一只却越爬越高,最后当其他的青蛙都无法再前进的时候,牠却成为唯一到达顶点的选手。     其他的青蛙都想知道,牠是怎么做到的?于是便跑上前去询问,才发现原来牠是个聋子!     



嘴巴长在别人嘴上,但自己却要走属于自己的道路。 在这个现实的社会里,即便是遭受旁人无情的冷落、批评、否定,甚至排挤,也不能表示你就必须哀声叹气、自怨自悲,唯一能否定你的人,只有你自己!

Friday, July 11, 2008 / 2:48 PM
Great day! Today which is Friday! That means is weekends!

I feel really happy this week since 07/07/2008 :)

Just went for the orientation program over at PSB on Tuesday. Overall i was not concentrating on what the program advisor was saying whereby i think i go just for the attendance lolz.. After that go marina square "walk walk" then go home lo =x

Guess i'm starting school sooner or later.. my first lesson will be on 22th July 2008. Hee... just receive an email for my previous course that they have actually sended out the examination results out on Wednesday. So i should be receiving my results on today Friday or maybe Saturday! so 紧张哦!! Just hope i can manage to pass.. Can pass i'm already happy already but if can get more "A" i will be more happy =x sure bring someone go out celebrate haha~!~!

NDP Preview
Thursday, July 10, 2008 / 1:00 AM
Some pictures taken over at NDP preview 04th July 2008 using my k800i

watching the pictures below with someone you love is so romantic..

Morale of the Story:
See fireworks with someone you like is romantic

Thursday, July 03, 2008 / 7:50 PM
Just receive an email from PSB stating that i'm confirm for their course. Getting back to studies = sian sian sian... and one more thing is i manage to pass my final theory test on Tuesday, and my instructor have already book my TP on 22th October.. 3 months from now! And i have stop my training for so long... 紧张哦!!

Feeling fatter and fatter.. omg.. hope i can start my training for the Army Half Marathon at Augest -.-" and use the time to jian fei..
