Wednesday, February 27, 2008 / 11:08 PM
MOM Outing over at Marina Square on 23/02/2008

Friday, February 22, 2008 / 12:12 PM
Later 2.30pm will be having my Maths Test... omg... not prepared yet and don't know how to do.. alot of ??? at my head... think can pass... just that i hope to get a "A" so that i can ask someone for some "奖励" lol....

Going soon... getting more and more stress as the time goes by. Today my Grandmother having her operation over at SGH, it's to remove a lump on her head... Really *pray* that it will be a success operation.

stress stress stress.... alot of courses coming... alot of things to study...
Going back to office on next thurs (28/02/08). To other people it since to be a long holiday, but to me is very stress... Today got exams, mon - tues got course, wednesday got exam... omg.. haiz..

6 months..
Monday, February 18, 2008 / 8:40 PM
2 more days and i'm going to turn 06 months soon.. Not my age which is 6 months but i have working full-time for 6 months! Time goes so fast everseen started work.

During the starting of this job, i been through some tough time, some tough thinking. But there's are always pros and cons working. Firstly it's the low salary matters, the lonely guy.. But started to know good colleagues over there, as well as the place is very slack hee... I keep on saying i wanted to change job etc etc... Diden know how i survire to 6 months time.. Well never mind.. i will change job as soon as i found a better job offer :)

Someone is sick... hope she get well soon.. o.O

Today monday seen to be a fast day. Having phone duty in the morning, as usual keep on asking around for help hee.. Felt sorry to bothered my colleagues but somehow i don't have a choice, if no one help me then how am i going to answer to that customer. After phone duty basically is lunch time and processed my job cases as usual till 6pm = go home!

Very pissed off TODAY!

In morning my brother MSN me telling me that his account inside the laptop has been change from Administrator to Standard User but i did not touch his account settings at ALL! Full of question marks inside my head, so right after my work when i reach home, i direct on the laptop and check but the status was Administrator in the first day. What does that means?? 冤枉啊!! WTH man.. My mother keep saying me that i anyhow change his setting and say i always quarrel with my brother because of that computer. If i'm in the wrong!! i will say out LOUD!

Went out running for a while..

When i reach home, i saw my brother already sitting beside the laptop. When my mother open the door for me, she say i very "厉害", come back home open the laptop, change the status and 指定 i'm the person whom is like 贼喊抓贼! i damn pissed off!! then i say loud loud!


PISS day for me.. hate sharing with another idiot and being backstab for no freaking reason!

10th February 2008 @ My Home CNY Open House 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008 / 9:11 PM
Venue: 10th February 2008 @ My Home CNY Open House 2008

Remarks:Suffering a serious Headache & Flu on that day but manage to win money as it's home ground on that day =x


Ended the day with some Mahjong.. 自摸不求人!

09th February 2008 - Family CNY 2008
/ 8:58 PM
Venue: 09th February 2008 @ Family CNY 2008 Orchard Forum mo mo Restaurant

Remarks: Being force to be Cameraman for all the 08 table :(
